
Many thanks!

to the thousands who have visited the unofficial Darwin, California, Web site over the past six years . . . And a special thank you to the hundreds who have e-mailed me comments.

When I first made the site live in September 1997, I figured maybe 10 people would visit the site. I never had any idea that the site would receive the attention it did, nor did I ever anticipate the amount of e-mail that I would receive because of it.

"That's all well and good," I can hear Web prowlers say, "But where is the site now?"

Well, after seven years without major changes, the site was looking — well — seven years old. It was time for a major rethinking of the Darwin site: its premise, purpose and its design. So stay tuned. What happens next will be a surprise to us all.

In the meantime, a shadow of its former self continues to occupy a few electrons in cyberspace.

— The nameless Darwin site-keeper